The Department of Athletics, Recreation and Wellness is excited to welcome you to the Woodruff PE Center (WoodPEC) and Student Activity and Academic Center (SAAC).
Reservations ARE REQUIRED for the racquetball, sqaush, outdoor and indoor tennis courts.
Enhanced cleaning of facility and equipment.
- Initial and ongoing training of staff to safely operate the facilities.
Adherence to University guidance on safety measures, including but not limited to self-monitoring health and self-removing from activity and facility usage.
- Effective Monday, March 7, masks will be optional indoors on Emory’s campuses. Masks will still be required in for Physical Education classes until Monday, March 21, at which time masks will become optional in these spaces.
Cleaning of high touch surfaces and restrooms throughout the day.
Adherence to all Emory University rules and regulations. See Emory Forward for further guidance.
- Effective Monday, March 7, masks will be optional indoors on Emory’s campuses. Masks will still be required in physical education classes until Monday, March 21, at which time masks will become optional in these spaces.
Do not visit the Emory campus if you are displaying any symptoms that are potential flu-like indications such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- Do not attempt to use equipment or space that is non-operational or has a sign communicating nonuse.
Thoroughly wipe down equipment after every use with the sanitation supplies and ensure all trash and recycling is discarded in designated waste receptacles.
Please be courteous of others and limit your time on equipment.
Bring your own water bottle. Only water bottle filling stations will be available. Drinking fountains have been disabled.
Workout/Athletic clothes and shoes are required in all activity areas. Clothing with zippers, buttons, and rivets are not allowed on machines with upholstery.
- Only clean, closed-toe, closed-heel athletic shoes with non-marking soles are permitted.
- Failure to follow policies may result in the loss of facility privileges.
Please view our hours here.
Reservations for tennis, raquetball and squash courts are recommended and will take priority over walk-up users.
Reservations for tennis, raquetball and squash courts may be made by logging in to my.RecWell.Emory.edu with your Emory NETID and password.
- Navigate to my.RecWell.Emory.edu to make a reservation at the WoodPec or SAAC.
- Upon navigation to the booking site, select log in in the top right corner.
- Enter your NETID and password to log in.
- Select "Reserve Your Time" and then select the location for reservation.
- Select the date and time to complete your reservation.
- A confirmation email will be sent to your Emory e-mail account.
- Please be prepared to show your confirmation upon checking in.
A reservation can be made up to one hour prior to the reservation time slot and up to two days in advance.
- Cancellations must be made at least two hours in advance of the reservation time slot. Repeated no shows for reservation times will result in removal from reservations and/or loss of facility access.
- Persons on the waitlist are automatically slotted into a reservation time slot when a reservation is cancelled. If you no longer want that time slot, please remove yourself from the waitlist. Failure to remove yourself from the waitlist may result in loss of facility access.
Fitness Areas
- Open and available for use.
- Clean your equipment before and after each use.
SAAC Pool - CLOSED for season
- Additional policies can be found here.
WoodPEC Climbing Wall
- Climbers must wash hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the climbing wall area and before beginning a new route.
- The use of personal gear is encouraged, but equipment should not be shared. A limited supply of harnesses, climbing shoes, and belay devices will be available for checkout.
- Patrons who are not belay certified or do not have a climbing partner may experience longer wait times between climbs. Belay certification at Emory's climbing wall can be obtained after passing the belay test. Belay clinics are offered at the climbing wall and cover everything you need to pass the test and safely belay.
- Additional policies can be found here.
WoodPEC Indoor Tennis Courts
- Court Reservations are required for entry through my.RecWell.Emory.edu.
- Singles or doubles play permitted.
- Each court reservation is for a maximum of 2 hours.
Outdoor Tennis Courts
- The tennis courts will be open during operation hours.
- Court reservations are required for entry.
- Each court reservation is for a maximum of 2 hours.
Kaminsky Park
- The field will close each day at dusk.
Locker Rooms
- Bags are not permitted on the fitness area floor.
Fitness & Wellness
- All Group Fitness classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. Capacity may be limited in some classes.
- Group fitness instructors reserve the right to ask a participant to leave at any time.
Intramural & Club Sports
- Intramural tournament and leagues are being offered on IMleagues.
Outdoor Recreation
- Virtual outdoor recreation clinics and special events are being offered and students can register on my.RecWell.Emory.edu.
- Equipment rental is not available at this time.
Personal Training and/or Small Group Training
- Personal trainers are available for in-person and virtual training.
Information is subject to change. Please visit recwell.emory.edu for additional information.
UPDATED March 14, 2022
All payroll deduction memberships were deactivated in March 2020. Members who paid for their membership via payroll deduction prior to the COVID facility closure must purchase a new membership.
Yes. Your previous membership expiration date has been extended for the number of days that the facility was closed to you.
Yes. Your previous membership expiration date has been extended for the number of days that the facility was closed to you.
Yes, their membership has also been extended for the number of days that the facility was closed to them.
Beginning July 1, lusers with a NetID may log in to your account at https://my.recwell.emory.edu/ by using your Emory NetID and password. Click on your username at the top, right corner of the page and select “Profile.” Click on “Membership” from the list of options on the left side of your screen.
Plus one and dependent members do not have access to make a reservation. Please have the primary member on your account, i.e. Emory University faculty/staff member, Emory Healthcare employee, or retiree make a reservation for the day and time you wish to utilize the facility. All family members may check in under that reservation.
No. Reservations are no longer required for the following spaces:
itness Areas
- Basketball Courts
- Tracks
- Pools
- Sand Volleyball Courts
Reservations are strongly recommended for tennis courts and priority will be given to those who make reservations.
Emory University faculty and staff can use their EmoryCard at the gym turnstiles. Emory Healthcare workers, retirees, plus ones, affiliates, alumni, community members, and dependents between the ages of 16 and 25 must stop by the WPEC Membership Office or SAAC Member Services Desk to take a picture and pick up a new access card.
Yes. Masks are required at all times, including while participating in physical activity, and must cover the nose and mouth.
Bring your EmoryCard and your own water bottle.
Yes. Enhanced cleaning procedures are in place for high-touch surfaces and restrooms. Cleaning supplies are located near each piece of equipment and patrons should thoroughly wipe down equipment for use.
Contact Us
26 Eagle Row. Atlanta, Georgia 30322 USA
404.727.6551 (WPEC Member Services Office)
404.712.2431 (SAAC Member Services Desk)